Blinking Welter - let's blink.
nothing to do yesterday so i decided to make retarded gifs with my paintings for other idle people .
""" !! Let's blink, it is Mein Welt after all!!"".
14 images.
check it out.
Blog showing my work. Thank you very much .
Blog showing my work. Thank you very much .
Painting, Dream, Free, Deer, Blood, Jesus, Nazis, Nephilim, Experiences, German, Brazilian, English. It is getting clear now.
Yesterday I was talking to my dear friend “golden angel” and all of sudden my last paintings have been much more clear to me, the meanings and the facts surrounding them.
Caixa Lote Magazine - pretty good site. Thank you. The Sao Paulo's art magazine Caixa Lote has done a pretty nice work supporting my paintings... This time it is on their site. Thank you and Obrigado. I sincerely wish I was there to give you a big hug.
Now you can see the entire book for free - CRU & RAW by Caio Fern. ( Not the iPad iBooks format) Now you can see the entire book for free. I don't know till when it will be viable so check it out as fast as possible. Not the C R U & R A W ebook (iPad iBooks format. The published one.
C R U & R A W ebook (iPad iBooks format), 80 pgs - by Caio Fern
C R U & R A W ebook (iPad iBooks format), 80 pgs . …and today I released this EBook,Cru and Raw. It started to be made in 2010 and only finished in 2011, but as I published the Mein Welt book at the time the Cru & Raw was let to be posted later.
art page talking about these works of mine with a small interview - A really good excuse to show a painting I had never posted before.
예술 wow, this blog from Korea was very kind doing a really great post about my work with a small interview in English. Thank you. Things like this make my day. The entire blog is wonderful...
Caio Fern, 2011, acrylic on canvas
I confess I’ve been a bit satisfied lately with my work ( of painting ).
I believe that I have condensed elements into a more focused way of expression.
the Art Magazine Caixa Lote published Caio Fern on the Second Issue.
the Art Magazine Caixa Lote, published Caio Fern on the Second Issue
The Brazilian art magazine Caixa Lote based in São Paulo has released its second edition and you can find my work on the pages 55, 56 and 57.
Thank you all folks , you're the best.
MEIN WELT - the new book by Caio Fern
yey !!! finally,
I just published the book MEIN WELT !
I have worked on it since October 2010.
I am really happy with it , since the beginning it was supposed to be a fancy pretty and a bit expensive book, but it worths every single penny.
Caio Fern - the site Kaleidoskop
Now there is Caio Fern on the site kaleidoskop.
this is a very good place to know new artists.
check the link.
kaleidoskop is an independent project and exhibition space, opening its doors to all artists and designers.
Sweet Station posting about Caio Fern !
Hi Everyone !!!!
this site SWEET STATION has my work posted today by Honey that wrote very nice words about.
Thank you Honey.
Sweet Station is a nice place to know new artists and creative people that produces in the aesthetical area in general.
Art of the Day - Saatchi on Line - 7/24/2011 - Caio Fern
This work was chosen as Art of Day at Saatchi on Line, the site of the Saatchi Gallery.
2010 - when the earlier painting values from the year 2000 to 2002 were taken back and recreated.
2010 - when the earlier painting values from the year 2000 to 2002 were taken back and recreated.
This 2010 year was very important to my production. I kept a good regularity in my studio, published two books about my paintings and wrote an entire novel published in October.
Kikked Magazine published Caio Fern
Kikked Magazine is about visual art in general and on their Feb 2001 Issue 8 they published about my work.
Thank you Kikked !!!
From Damien Hirst to Buenos Aires street art many things can be found on this issue.
SLAM FAD #140- Caio Fern: From Mein Welt, With Love - Slam Magazine by Terri Lloyd .
SLAM FAD #140- Caio Fern: From Mein Welt, With Love
Slam Magazine .
SLAM FAD #140- Caio Fern: From Mein Welt, With Love
by Terri Lloyd
© Caio Fern
SLAM: Caio, you were born in Brazil and you studied psychology at Universidade Paulista.
The Art Site The Curious Brain posted about Caio Fern
The Art Site The Curious Brain posted about Caio Fern
Check it out , is a really good site as a matter of fact.
Art Magazine BOOOOOOOM posted Caio Fern
Jeff Hamada from BOOOOOOOM posted about my work today on his Art Magazine that is really good and has posts of fantastic new artists.
Jeff , thank you , this is very generous.
Booooooom is one of the most popular art sites today and I think it makes any one really happy to be there.
WINO-STRUT NATION posting about Caio Fern .
the L.A based artist David Phillips posted about my work on his blog "wino-strut nation " .
The art site Art of Day has posted about Caio Fern's work. Dramatic Psychological Figurative Paintings by Caio Fern
The art site Art of Day has posted about Caio Fern's work. Dramatic Psychological Figurative Paintings by Caio Fern
Today the site Art of Day has posted about my work.
The art magazine Idea Fixa published Caio Fern. 18th edition.
Idea Fixa Magazine published Caio Fern. 18th edition
The Brazilian Art Magazine Idea Fixa
Pulished this December on the 18th adition named Sonhos ( Dreams . ahhhhhhhhh........I am such a dream ) 3 works of mine .
ELIZABETH AVEDON: CAIO FERN: Slam Magazine Artist Interivew
ELIZABETH AVEDON: CAIO FERN: Slam Magazine Artist Interivew: "Acrylic on Canvas (c) Caio Fern 2010 /All Rights Reserved Sometimes in Brazil the word ambition is seen as a sin...
Slam Magazine interviews Caio Fern
Today the Slam Magazine posted on their site an interview with me ( see it here - )
The interview was made by Terri Lloyd.
Beautiful Decay Magazine taking about Caio Fern
the art magazine Beautiful Decay posted 6 images of my paintings with a really good , short, clean text written by Julie Yeo.
Now it is published: Alemão by Caio Fern . The best novel of this generation. Already a classic .
Now it is published: Alemão by Caio Fern . The best novel of this generation. Already a classic .
It is finnaly publised !! ahhh!! What a birth !!
I am so happy , you have no idea . Even so when pushed the button to publish it I felt sad ...
The Pictorial Consequence | Caio Fernandes | Fine Art
Book about Caio Fernandes's painting production from 1999 to 2010 . 120 pages January 2010 .
Her influence - and a link to Elizabeth Avedon's post about Caio .
This weekend many of you saw on Elizabeth Avedon's bolg a post about my paintings and photographys ( my world ) .
Her work had a definitive influence in my life when i was a teenager , her specific work and the artists she have worked with .
Thank you Elizabeth for your work and generosity .
2009 - building a new life .
2009 was the year that something different happened . I started to sow a new life inside me and it appeared on my paintings more than any other activity .
I remember in September I said that was lost about my work , going into no specific direction .
Mistake .
2008 by Caio Fern - the year that almost didn't exist . acrylic on canvas .
2008 this house was rebuilding , my life was just a dark room ,some rock'n''roll Cd's 2 Lhasa Apsos pups and my cat . September I received a call from a art dealer asking me if i had new paintings to show and let to her Gallery.
2007 - by Caio Fern -
second semestre of 2007 , i came back " home " , or what God made me call home . the last time I had painted was 2005 .
if far from here I discovered something about me , was that I am a painter and can't avoid this . Even trying so hard .